CITEA Fall Newsletter

The Annual State Conference has been rescheduled to June 18-20, 2025, at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. More information will be provided soon.

Scholarship, Grant and Awards Applications

Member Profile for Fall

Tom Post, current CITEA Treasurer

Tom Post has spent over 30 years teaching Industrial Arts in Merced County, Central California, with a focus on woodworking, mechanical drafting, and architectural drafting. After earning his credential from Fresno State University, Tom became deeply involved in professional organizations, joining the California Industrial and Technology Education Association (CITEA) in his final year of college and becoming a SKILLSUSA advisor in his first year of teaching.

Tom has attended the SKILLSUSA State Conference at least 28 times and recently went to the National Conference in Atlanta for the third time. There, his student, who won first place in the California State competition for Architectural Drafting, represented our state. With 14 years on the CITEA board, Tom has held every leadership role, including his current position as treasurer, and greatly values the collaboration and support that CITEA fosters among teachers.

Early in Tom's career, experienced teachers and CITEA conferences provided essential guidance and ideas. Over time, CITEA has become not just a professional network but a close-knit community. Tom strongly believes in the importance of these connections for all industrial trades educators.

Tom's career highlights the value of professional engagement, continuous learning, and collaboration in education.

Safety Tip for Fall
Safety is the top priority in our shop classes. Stay alert, keeping your head on a swivel and your eyes and ears open for any potential hazards. This is especially important with the larger machines—when you hear one turn on, always watch what your students are doing. By staying vigilant, you can prevent many potential problems.

Teaching Tip
Get to know your staff and learn from them. Build strong relationships with the office secretaries, especially those who handle your budget. Treat the custodians well—they are an invaluable resource on campus.

CTA Update from Allen Blanchard
Welcome to the new school year!

I want to update you on some of the bills that CTA is working on to support CTE teachers:

  1. AB 2245: This bill is currently in the suspense folder. It addresses the issue of ROP teachers being unable to achieve Permanent Status under the current education code. AB 2245 aims to change this and allow these teachers to be granted Permanent Status. CTA is working to get this bill out of suspense. If that doesn’t succeed, they plan to introduce an alternative bill. 
  2. AB 694: Another CTA-sponsored bill promoting apprenticeship pathways for educators, including CTE graduates. It is expected to be passed in the coming weeks.

I hope you have a fantastic school year!




August 19, 2024
The California Department of Education (CDE) is already in the process of preparing an application for school districts to apply for renovation and new construction of needed facilities. Applications are expected to be available in late November or December of 2024.

What Career Technology Education (CTE) Instructors Need to Know
To be part of this funding cycle, here’s what CTE instructors should be aware of:

The landmark Prop 47 school renovation legislation was passed and implemented in the early 2000s. During that same period, CITEA actively sponsored Ed Code 17070.955, which was also passed into law by the California Legislature. With the help of our Legislative Advocate at the time, CITEA convinced the elected members of the Joint Senate/Assembly Education Committee to require that Ed Code 17070.955 be an integral part of all school renovation/construction applications. This code became part of the Prop 47 application, and district administrations had to verify that the requirements of Cal. Ed. Code §17070.955 were met.

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