Ed Codes

Are You Familiar with these CTE Ed Codes?

Here are four Ed code citations. One has to do with the requirement for Voc Ed, another deals with the requirement for class sizes (Number of students equals a number of workstations), and the Voc Ed requirement for schools using funds for ANY new construction and modernization. The last Ed Code requires the CSU system to recognize CTE courses for admission purposes.

These Ed Codes should be kept in your files for use as needed. They form the basis of a defense system for your program.


Education Code Section 51220 51220. The adopted course of study for grades 7 to 12, inclusive, shall offer courses in the following areas of study:

(i) Career technical education designed and conducted for the purpose of preparing youth for gainful employment in the occupations and in the numbers that are appropriate to the personnel needs of the state and the community served and relevant to the career desires and needs of the pupils.

(k) Other studies as may be prescribed by the governing board.

Education Code Section 51224.

The governing board of any school district maintaining a high school shall prescribe courses of study designed to provide the skills and knowledge required for adult life for pupils attending the schools within its school district. The governing board shall prescribe separate courses of study, including, but not limited to, a course of study designed to prepare prospective pupils for admission to state colleges and universities and a course of study for career technical training.

‐‐ AND‐‐

Education Code Section 51228.

(a) Each school district maintaining any of grades 7 to 12, inclusive, shall offer to all otherwise qualified pupils in those grades a course of study fulfilling the requirements and prerequisites for admission to the California public institutions of postsecondary education and shall provide a timely opportunity to each of those pupils to enroll within a four‐year period in each course necessary to fulfill those requirements and prerequisites prior to graduation from high school.

(b) Each school district maintaining any of grades 7 to 12, inclusive, shall offer to all otherwise qualified pupils in those grades a course of study that provides an opportunity for those pupils to attain entry‐ level employment skills in business or industry upon graduation from high school. Districts are encouraged to provide all pupils with a rigorous academic curriculum that integrates academic and career skills, incorporates applied learning in all disciplines, and prepares all pupils for high school graduation and career entry.

II. Work Station Safety Bill CITEA lobbied and pushed hard for the passing of the Work Station Safety Bill. . Bill Gray worked on this with then Southern Section president, Bill Laport and Senator Deukmejian (spelling?). The Duke carried the Bill. This Ed Code has been around for over 20 years and is unknown by most school districts. The text is as follows:

Education Code Section 49320

Education Code 49320. Work Stations. A basic work station in industrial education is defined as an assigned location where a student normally spends the majority of his class time performing the operational functions necessary to meet the performance objectives and goals of the course, including industrial safety education. For these purposes, the number of students in any industrial education facility or laboratory in elementary and secondary programs shall not exceed the number of basic work stations designed for the number of students assigned, as determined by the local governing board of the school district.

III. Advisory Committee Requirement for Construction When the voters passed Prop 47, this section was added to the Education Code. The CITEA and Chris Walker, our advocate in Sacramento, worked very hard to get this added to the Prop 47 legislation. It is now law for all school construction and modernization projects.

Education Code Sec. 8. Section 17070.95

SEC. 8. Section 17070.95 is added to the Education Code, to read:

17070.95. As a part of its application for large construction and modernization projects, a school district shall certify, in consultation with the career technical education advisory committee established pursuant to Section 8070, that it has considered the need for vocational and career technical facilities to adequately meet its program needs consistent with Section 51224, subdivision (b) of Section 51225.3, and Section 52336.1. The board shall adopt regulations necessary for administration of this section.

IV. Requirement for CSU to Accept CTE Courses for Admission

Section 66205.9 REQUIRES CSU AND REQUESTS UC to recognize CTE courses for admissions purposes. The new Ed Code goes into effect on July 1, 2008. This Ed Code became law because of a lot of work by the CITEA and Chris Walker, our Sacramento advocate.

​​​​​​​Education Code Section 66205.9

SECTION 1. Section 66205.9 is added to the Education Code, to read:


  1. If, by July 1, 2008, the University of California has not adopted model uniform academic standards for career technical education courses, pursuant to Section 66205.5, that will satisfy the completion of a general elective course requirement for the purposes of admission to that university, the Regents of the University of California are requested to recognize the completion of all high school career technical education courses that meet the model curriculum standards established pursuant to Sections 51226 and 51226.1 as satisfying the completion of a general elective course requirement for the purposes of admission to that university.
  2. If the Regents of the University of California adopt standards for career technical education courses pursuant to Section 66205.5, the University of California is requested to make those standards publicly available upon their adoption.
  3. If, by July 1, 2008, the California State University has not adopted model uniform academic standards for career technical education courses, pursuant to Section 66205.5, that will satisfy the completion of a general elective course requirement for the purposes of admission to that university, the Trustees of the California State University shall recognize the completion of all high school career technical education courses that meet the model curriculum standards established pursuant to Sections 51226 and 51226.1 as satisfying the completion of a general elective course requirement for the purposes of admission to that university.
  4. If the Trustees of the California State University adopt standards for career technical education courses pursuant to Section 66205.5, the California State University shall make those standards publicly available upon their adoption.
  5. This section shall not apply to any career technical education courses that, as of January 1, 2007, are approved as satisfying the admissions requirements of the University of California or the California State University.