Why Become a Member

Do You Teach?

If you teach classes that use materials, tools, machines, software, or projects to teach CTE, SHOP or ROP students;

Preparing Students?

Are You preparing students for the "Jobs of the 21st century" and "Success in the New Economy"

Work with SkillsUSA?

If you're working with students in a great student organization like"SkillsUSA" ,

CITEA  is a "hands-on minds-on" organization.

We represent Industrial and Technology Educators and their programs throughout California.

CITEA supports Trade & Industry (T&I) programs in the K-12 system, community colleges, and universities and the instructors who teach in five T&I sectors.

Whether you're a T&I, SHOP or ROP teacher in California who wants to enhance or improve your teaching skills. Or upgrade your program or start a new one.Or you're a new Teacher who just needs help.CITEA is here to serve you. We're "Teachers Helping Teachers!

CITEA members receive:

Professional training through:

A yearly state-wide conference
And regional workshops
Industrial best practices knowledge
Valuable lesson plans and curriculum
Hands-on specific training in T&I and Technology Education
Networking with your peers
Advice on program equipment needs and equipment evaluation
Perkins Funding and State CTE funding information
California CTE legislation advocacy
Access at conferences to our many CTE vendors
And from time to time equipment redistribution

More About CITEA

CITEA is an all-volunteer organization of CTE professionals working on behalf of SHOP, T&I, and ROP Educators.

CITEA has over many years backed legislation and programs that have supported Trade & Industry teachers and their programs. CITEA was instrumental, during the '70s, in getting a "Workstation bill" passed through the legislature which limited the number of students in a shop or lab class to the number of work stations in the shop or lab. (A work station is defined by where a student spends the majority of their time working.)

Prop 47, supported by CITEA, required school administrations to certify that the needs of SHOPS were addressed in K-12 public schools before any state funding for school renovation could be granted.

CITEA set-up tours of T&I shop and lab programs for Governor Schwarzenegger in high schools and community colleges.

Come Join Us

CITEA and its members, working with the CDE, developed the California Trade & Industry Standards & Frameworks. CITEA and CTA worked together to get AB 1330 passed in 2011. The bill granted that CTE courses could be used as an alternative to the Foreign Language and Fine Arts requirement for HS graduation. AB 1330 has since been extended with the passage SB 1123 in 2016. Your Professional Membership in CITEA will strengthen your profession and enable support for T&I, SHOP, and ROP teachers through CITEA activities. Members have opportunities to attend conferences, workshops, participate on the CITEA Board, and contribute to helping our teachers throughout California. By becoming a member, you help provide strong, powerful, and relevant industry-based curriculum and education for your students.

We look forward to you joining our team. Individual professional memberships are only $30.00 a year.

Join us and, together we can be a force for effective T&I, SHOP, ROP, and yes even… STEM education in California. Oh, by the way, SHOP teachers have always been STEM applied, educators.